Tuesday 31 May 2022

Healing Time


A little bit of an update on the trike accident last year. This is the first time I’ve been up to writing, and without going into detail, I haven’t been on the tricycle since because of difficulties the accident presented.  It’s been a hard slog between x-rays, scans, my beaut doctor, and amazing chiropractor who is still giving me treatments even though the pain has stopped. I am blessed because it could have been far, far worse.

If it doesn’t rain today, I just might get back on the trike and try to gain any semblance of confidence I had before the accident. Riding a trike is different to riding a bike, and when I do gain confidence, I’ll be trying another ride down the driveway.  You heard right … lol. I’ve had two crashes thus far, but the next ride down will be “third time lucky”. It will be a success because John will teach me. Our driveway is about 25degrees steep (watch this space). One just has to rise to challenges because time waits for nobody and I’m not ready to give up.

Madam has a new set of wheels … a wheelchair.  Not being able to walk distances for some years, the new wheels are giving me freedom not experienced for simply ages, and more exercise for John (he goes swimming at King’s Beach pool six mornings a week).  It’s delightful as John pushes me around (hums the music from “Driving Miss Daisy” … how’s that for an earworm?)

I managed to stagger into Stockland  just before last Christmas when one of my girls took me to have toenails trimmed – what a treat!  And yes, for the first time in my life I had nail polish. Afterwards while waiting for her to finish a bit of shopping, an old man came into the shopping centre riding a tricycle the same brand as mine. Did I light up! I thought Woohooo!  (I “Woohooo” a lot). He wasn’t pedaling; just using electrics. I saw him ride into Coles and in a little while he came back out. I thought, “Will I stop him or not”. I did, and said, “I have a trike like yours. Are you allowed in here on it?” He replied that he always comes in to do his shopping.  I left there with a “Yesss!” in my heart and now I see myself doing the same in due course.

“Them in the know” say biking/triking is an excellent exercise for old people. Oh, and the bike shop people tell me that a lot of Seniors are buying trikes. Woohoooo!   Go old people!!